Sunday, March 26, 2023

Another kind of cost-benefit analysis

Decades ago, when I was in college, I guzzled gallons of tea—I’ve never cared for coffee—to try to stay awake while doing homework, writing term papers, and/or studying for exams.  It never worked.

Fast forward at least forty years.  I finally realized that eating chocolate, instead of energizing me, actually made me a bit sleepy and off-balance.  Am I the only one who gets put to sleep by caffeine?

In recent months, I realized that eating large quantities of seeds had roughly the same effect on my brain as eating chocolate.  So I gave up my beloved sunflower seeds. 

But last week, I went to a dermatologist because the skin between my fingers was so dry that I thought I might have a fungal infection.  (Is there such a thing as Athlete’s Hand?)  She assured me that all I had was extremely dry skin, and recommended that I switch from hand lotion to ointment.  That did seem to help, but I wondered whether she was treating the symptom while ignoring the cause.

I can’t eat a lot of nuts because they’re loaded with oxalates and cause kidney stones (for those whose stones are oxalate-based).  Eliminating most seeds from my diet, as well, meant that I had very little vitamin E in my diet.

So I decided to start eating sunflower seeds again, but I have to eat them when I’m at home, and preferably in the evening, so that I can go to bed (or at least nap) if they make me tired.  But I can’t eat them after 8:30 PM, lest they give me acid reflux.

The bottom line is that, since some foods give me digestive issues, some can give me kidney stones, some can aggravate my arthritis, and some do odd things to my brain, I have to do a cost-benefit analysis with just about everything I eat.  Sorry, hubby, but accountants don’t have a monopoly.  😊


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